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Proposals are invited from Experts for developing Scheme for HACCP Certification |
(EIC) is the official
export inspection and certification body of India set up under the
Export (Quality Control & Inspection) Act, 1963, to ensure sound development
of Indian export trade through implementing various quality control
& inspection schemes. These schemes are operated through its field
organization i.e. Export Inspection Agencies (EIAs), set up under
Section -7 of the Act, with regional headquarters at Chennai, Kochi,
Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai with a network of 41 Sub offices including
laboratories at various inspection ports and industrial centres. Export
inspection and quality control schemes are operated for various notified
and non-notified commodities including those in food & agriculture
sector prominent being Fish & Fishery Products, Milk & Milk Products,
Poultry & Poultry Products, Basmati Rice and Honey.
EIC is proposing to
develop a stand-alone scheme for HACCP certification in food sector,
which would provide credible certification to exporter at a reasonable
cost. In this regard, EIC invites proposals from experts who have
experience in the area of developing HACCP certification schemes.
Proposal for developing
a detailed scheme for HACCP certification along with operating procedures,
formats and any other documentation required for accreditation indicating
the total time period required for the project, action plan proposed
for the activity, details of experience in the field, total consultancy
fee and any other relevant information may be submitted. The proposal
should be submitted to Joint Director (Technical), EIC by 30th August
2 |
exporters to register with USFDA |
Food exporters to
register with USFDA Under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism
Act of 2002 recently enacted in USA, it has become mandatory for owners,
operators or agents incharge of domestic and foreign facilities that
manufacture, process, pack or hold food for human or animal consumption
in USA to register with USFDA not later than December 12, 2003. However
USFDA is not accepting applications before October 12, 2003.
3 |
Call for quotations for purchase of Norton
Antivirus |
4 |
Tender for Laboratory equipments -Kolkata |
5 |
Quotation for AMC of Computers
6 |
Procurement of
equipment & items for laboratories of export inspection agency -
Chennai |
7 |
Quotation for supply of Laboratory
Instruments/equipments -Kochi |
8 |
Export inspection
agency-mumbai pilot test house |
9 |
Seminar on "Emerging Trade Opportunities
with Sri Lanka |
10 |
Advertisement for FMS-IT |
Tender Copy of FMS-IT |
11 |
Minutes of
FMS-IT tender pre-bid meeting held on 23 June 2005
12 |
Appointment on deputation to the post of
Deputy Director(NT) |
13 |
Appointment of Public Relation Consultant
for Export Inspection Council |
14 |
Tender for Laboratory Equipments / Items of EIA-KOLKATA |
15 |
invited for Professional Analysis of Eic |
16 |
Scheme for Fish
and Fishery Products for Exports |
17 |
A Guide For
Exporters of Fish and Fishery Products |
18 |
Instructions Independent cold storage |
19 |
on Fishery and Aquaculture Products between MoC &I, India and
MoH, Italy on February 14, 2005
20 |
Lanka to Accept Export Certification of Export Inspection Council
(Business Times) |
21 |
Tender for
Laboratory Equipment-Chennai |
22 |
Tender for supply / installation and
commissioning of Laboratory equipments for Mumbai and Veraval |
23 |
for Quotations for purchase of Antivirus |
24 |
Results of
Interview 2006 |
25 |
Issuance of Non-Prefrential CoO for Tea
26 |
of EIA-Kolkata Lab by Bhutan
27 |
Certificate Issuance |
28 |
for Disposal of items – EIA- Alleppey |
29 |
for Norton (Symantec) Antivirus |
30 |
for Laborotary Equipment-Chennai March 2007 |
31 |
are invited for the posts of Asstt.Directors and Technical
Officers |
32 |
Tender for
Printing of Certificate of Origin Form. |
33 |
for Microwave System |
34 |
for Designing and Printing of Annual Report of EIC and EIA |
35 |
for Printing of Certificate of Origin Form |
36 |
are invited for the posts of Asstt. Directors and Technical
Officers |
37 |
notice for Supply & Installation of Document Management
Solution, EIA - Chennai |
38 |
Inviting quotations for laboratory equipments - EIA - Kochi |
39 |
for the new posts
40 |
EIA Delhi
shifted to new premises
41 |
for Computer/IT and Financial Expert |
42 |
dot comm latest issue |
43 |
Manuals |
44 |
Amendment No.
2 to Document No. EIC/CoO-PS/Ex.Inst/Jan/2007/Issue 01 |
45 |
and Advertisement regarding equipments for up-gradation of EIA - Kolkata,
S/O : Bhubaneswar under EU-India TIDP |
46 |
results for Design/Construction and Interior furnishing of Regional
Office Building at 2nd Floor, BAJSS Building, Jhandewalan, New Delhi |
47 |
Tenders for Designing, construction and furnishing of Office and Guest
House at Andheri (East) Mumbai |
48 |
Tenders for Designing Laboratory to international standard for
Construction of food testing laboratory |
49 |
Quotations are
invited for the following items: M/s Godrej Brand Chairs / Stools,
Water Coolers, Venetian Verticle blinds |
50 |
Tender Notice for Supply & Installation of Document Management Solution,
EIA-Chennai |
51 |
Inviting quotations for laboratory equipments - EIA - KOCHI
52 |
invited for designing, construction and furnishing of Lab
Facility of EIA Kolkata
53 |
EIC Attains
ISO 9001:2000 Certification |
54 |
Preliminary Notification Order on AYUSH |
55 |
Message from outgoing Additional Director to all Employee |
56 |
Tender for Printing of Certificate of Origin forms (Sample) |
57 |
Executive Instructions of Honey (archive on 15/10/08) |
58 |
Tender for Printing of Certificate of Origin forms (Sample) |
59 |
Quotation Invited for printing of Annual Report of EIC |
60 |
Sealed Quotation for hardware and software-2008 |
61 |
Tender Notice for Purchase of Laboratory Equipments |
62 |
Tender Notice for Lab Equipments / Items (Kochi) |
63 |
New Director at EIC takes over |
64 |
Tender for Purchase of Laboratory Equipment |
65 |
Tender Notice for Lab Equipments / Items (Kolkata) |
66 |
Advertisement for Empanelment of Chartered Accountant |
67 |
Pay-Scale of Officers and Employees (Old) |
68 |
Sealed Bids/Quotations are Invited for Renovation of Conference Room of EIA-Kolkata |
69 |
EIC Actual Expenditure up to Aug. 2005 with BE 05-06, RE 05-06, BE 06-07 |