1. |
Tender Notice for Lab Equipments / Items Kolkata(Notice) |
Lab Equipments / Items(Tender Specifications) |
Lab Equipments / Items(Tender Term & Conditions) |
2. |
Recruitment Notice (Advertisement) |
Recruitment (Application Form) |
3. |
Tender Notice for Lab Equipments at PTH. Mumbai/ Items(Notice) |
Tender Document (Tender Term & Conditions) |
Specifications (Tender Specifications) |
4. |
Tender Notice for Lab Equipments at EIA-Chennai/ Items(
Notice) |
5. |
Supply of Manpower for Electrical Service
Maintenance Work at EIA-Kochi. |
6. |
Recruitment advertisement for the various post.( Advertisement) |
7. |
Recruitment advertisement for Deputy Director(Non-Tech).( Advertisement) |
8. |
Recruitment advertisement for Laboratory Assistant Gr-II.( Advertisement) |
9. |
PIO Information Archive on 25-Oct-2010. |
10. |
Advertisement for Software Service Provider Dated 12-08-2010
10a . |
RFP Document for Software Service Provider Dated 12-08-2010 |
10b. |
Notice for Pre Bid Meeting Venue |
10c. |
Extension of Deadline for Bid
Submission. |
10d. |
Response to pre-bid queries
raised during the pre-bid meeting held on 27-08-2010. |
10e. |
Addendum & Corrigendum to RFP Document for Software Service Provider |
10f. |
Further Extension of Deadline for Bid Submission Dated
23-09-2010. |
10g. |
Venue for Bid Opening Dated 29-09-2010. |
11. |
Condemnation of Staff Car Maruti
Esteem (Advt.) |
11a. |
Condemnation of Staff Car Maruti
Esteem (Quotation Form & Instructions) |
12. |
Advertisement for
sealed bids/quotations EIA-Kolkata |
12a. |
Specification for Data & EPABX–Voice Net Working. |
12b. |
Specification for Central Gas supply &
distribution system. |
13. |
for Quotation for Hiring of the services of govt. approved
Chartered valuers Dated
22-09-2010. |
14. |
Tender for supply/installation/commissioning of Laboratory equipments-EIA-Chennai Dated 08-10-2010 |
15. |
N.I.T. (Sealed Tenders are invited for supply/installation/commissioning of Laboratory equipments) -EIA-Kochi |
16. |
Advertisement for invitations of sealed tender for printing of Certificate of Origin Dated 26-11-2010 |
16a. |
Specifications & Requirements |
17. |
Programme for Exporters |
18. |
Dr. J. S. Pruthi Memorial Award (Gold Medal) 2009 to Director (I&QC) |