Uniform attestation fee for all schemes at a level of Rs.150/- per certificate of origin and introduced “Tat Kal” service for request submitted after prescribed time. The attestation fee has been basically prescribed at 2 levels i.e Rs.110/- for preferential scheme which were brought out earlier while the charges for the preferential schemes brought out later is Rs.150/-. Now, it has been decided to charge an uniform attestation fee for all preferential schemes including GSP at a level of Rs.150/- per certificate of origin w.e.f Ist July, 2006.It has also been decided to introduce a “Tat Kal” service for requests received after prescribed time i.e 14.30 hrs. for issuance of certificate of origin w.e.f Ist July, 2006. Under the scheme an additional amount of Rs.500/- will be charged and certificate of origin shall be issued same day by giving the top priority.